Totus Business Centers

Summer Slump

The sun is shining, temperatures are finally starting to warm up, and you find yourself dreaming of enjoying a piña colada on the beach rather than working on a deadline from your cubicle. We get it. You’re not alone. In fact, this awesome infographic from cites that 25% of office workers feel their productivity decreases in the summertime. And that may not be their fault. The same study names years of academic conditioning as the culprit for leaving many workers subconsciously expecting three months of vacation during the summer, and subsequently triggers their mental ‘checking out’.

However, the summer months don’t have to be a time of slow down for your business. We’ve rounded up our top three tried-and-true tips for staying on track and motivated all summer long.

Embrace Technology – We all have to enjoy a beach day now and again. Whether it’s a planned vacation, or an impromptu personal day to venture to the nearest outdoor park, using technology can help you stay connected to the office while you’re soaking up the sun. Most workplace software now has an accompanying mobile app. If you haven’t already, download it and learn how to use it so you can check in from your phone at any time. Take a look at Google’s Chrome Remote Desktop which will allow you to view your work desktop from another computer at home, or in a hotel lobby. Having the ability to check in will allow you to take some time away from the office, without falling behind.

Utilize Mother Nature’s Natural Time Clock – The days are certainly much longer during the summertime. Are you an early riser? Get outside before heading into the office to ensure you’re taking advantage of the season, but not skipping a beat at work. More of a night owl? Cut out of work a little early and get some exercise before sundown and then log back in once the sun has set to catch up on work. By allowing your days to grow longer, you’ll be able to fit everything in while still embracing the summertime.

Get Organized – While you’re at work during the summer months, and things are slower, use that precious time to get organized! Deep clean your desk and files to help re-energize your brain and signal productivity. This is also a time where many of your colleagues are out of the office on vacation. Take advantage of this quiet time, and reflect on the first half of the year while establishing goals/project lists for the second half of the year.

Enjoy the summer everyone!

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