Totus Business Centers

Getting Organized in a Shared Workspace

Whether you’re new to the shared office environment, or have a growing business and new hires now work alongside your desk, we’ve narrowed down three of our favorite tips to help you stay organized in an environment that can often feel in flux.

Clear Out The Clutter – Not only is clearing clutter beneficial for your office environment, it’s a great way to de-stress mentally too! Start with a purge to get rid of any unnecessary items lurking in all corners of your office. Then create an organized desk area (more on that later) that merges your work flow with the way you work best. Then, work hard to keep your desk looking this way. We love these transparent monitor memo boards for reducing sticky-note clutter, and this side mount clip for your phone and other devices to remain visible while you type away.

Optimize Layout – Just because you may have a small office, doesn’t mean you are exempt from optimizing the furniture layout within your space. After you’ve moved in, take note of how you seem to work during the day and make adjustments as needed. This could be as small as moving a trash can closer to your desk to avoid having to get up and walk across your space. Or, it could be as large as staggering your colleague’s desk while facing it towards you so that the two of you can communicate by just looking towards each other rather than shouting across the office at one another. Whatever works for you, make it your space.

Two Areas for Success – If you have the space in your office to create two separate areas for computer-related work, and one for other types of work, this is an ideal way to keep both your desk and your workspace organized. While you’ll likely spend most of your time in your computer zone, having a dedicated second zone to spread out papers, brainstorm, draw/mark up documents, staple/scan/etc., can help you re-focus your attention away from your computer and onto whatever it is that you’re working on. This will also help keep your computer zone free from piles of paper and other clutter.

Have other tips? Comment below!

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