Totus Business Centers

The Exercise Effect and Workplace Performance

Small changes to your everyday routine at work can have major benefits to your health and overall work.

Exercising at work used to be unheard of, but – that may be a thing of the past.  We all know that exercise is good for us, whether your goal is to maintain a healthy weight or improve your mood.  Studies show that fitting in an exercise regimen before, during or after your workday can enhance your performance and productivity.

An article from the Huffington Post in 2013 named 13 benefits from working out. The top benefits included: reduced stress, improved brainpower, better memory, increased energy and improved creativity.  What employer doesn’t want their employees to have more brainpower, less stress, to be energized and creative with an awesome memory!?

Some workplaces have already tapped into this knowledge and have provided their employees time to go to exercise in the middle of the day.  If this is the case in your workplace take advantage of it!

We are so lucky here at the TOTUS Business Center to have a fully equipped health club within the building.  So, rain or shine, you can slip away from your office for a quick workout and feel reinvigorated to make the most of your day!!

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