Totus Business Centers

The Benefits of the Standing Desk

We’ve heard it for years, sitting too much is bad for your health. We often remind our kids, or colleagues to get up, go outside and get some fresh air, but we don’t always take that advice for ourselves.

Luckily now, many have strayed away from the old-fashioned traditional desks, and have opted for the new standing desk. The standing desk, also known as the Sit/Stand desk, offers many benefits to your physical and mental health.

Let’s take a minute to discuss the advantages of the standing desk.

First for the physical benefits:


Now for the mental health benefits:

Reducing sedentary time can improve physical, metabolic, and even mental health.  Sitting less and standing more is such an important lifestyle change.

Here at Totus Business Center, all of our offices are equipped with standing desks.  Please reach out to us if you are ready to improve your overall health and increase your productivity!

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