Totus Business Centers

Preventing Burn Out in the Workplace

We’ve all felt it before. The Sunday Scaries – when you dread going to work the next day, unsure of what the week will bring. The World Health Organization now views burn-out as a mental health phenomenon “resulting from chronic workplace stress that is not successfully managed…[resulting] in feelings of exhausting, feelings of negativity towards one’s job and reduced professional efficacy.”

Changes in the landscape of our work environment and workforce may also be to blame for some of the burn-out employees are feeling. A survey by Gallup found the top reasons for burn-out include:

  1. Unfair treatment at work
  2. Unmanageable workload
  3. Lack of role clarity
  4. Lack of communication and support from their manager
  5. Unreasonable time pressure

The burn-out reasons listed above are issues that can be easily managed and changed with the right direction, support, and communication from management. Here are some tips to help you manage burn-out amongst your staff and for yourself:

  1. Stay engaged: Most employees receive support when they first start a role but often lack support once their training is complete. It’s important to stay engaged and show interest in their goals and overall performance to help them continue to grow and develop.
  2. Communication: Be clear in your communication with your team whether it relates to general expectations or a specific task. It’s tough for employees to be successful in their role or on a specific task if they aren’t provided the full information and expectation needed to be successful.
  3. Teamwork: Encourage teamwork and a collaborative environment. Ensure employees know that asking for support or help isn’t a sign of weakness or viewed as inability to perform their job. Brainstorming and collaboration often makes tasks feel much more manageable and overall, less stressful.
  4. Listen: Listen to your employees/team and actively engage with them for their opinions and thoughts on a project or subject. When employees feel comfortable sharing their ideas, they often feel more engaged and committed to the overall cause.

If you have feelings of burn-out and need support, talk to your manager to come up with a plan. If you’re the owner of a business and having feelings of burn-out, contact us at 631-574-4400 to find out more about how we can support you and your business.

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