Think about your work day so far. What have you spent your time on up until this moment? Take a pen to paper and jot down a list of things that you’ve accomplished today. Now take a hard look at that list. Is everything on that list something that can help your business grow? Or are there other things you set out to tackle today that have taken a back seat?
Slight decreases in productivity can impact more than just the financial bottom line for entrepreneurs and small business owners. These dips can result in lost time. In our ever-changing world today, time is quickly becoming a ‘most-valued’ asset for both businesses and individuals. Think about the time you save shopping online at Amazon for multiple items, rather than visiting several different stores in person. Or what about the time you save calling for an Uber and walking outside when the driver pulls up, rather than traipsing around the city trying to find an available cab? These same time saving principles apply to your business, and your work day … and we promise, there are lots of ways you can gain back your productivity.
There literally is an app for everything, and lots of options to help you better organize your busy work day. One quick way to increase productivity is to source apps that can help take care of certain mundane functions, specifically those that may cause distraction. I have used Hootsuite in the past to build and schedule my weekly social media posts so that I can eliminate logging online every day to post. What’s more, I eliminated the distraction of seeing my friend’s posts, which resulted in mindless scrolling and wasted time. So, search for apps and use them to better the way you spend your precious hours at the office.
If you’re finding that you spend a large portion of your day staring at your inbox on the computer screen, try setting intentional goals surrounding your email messaging. Emails, and their notifications, can be a total distraction when your complete focus is needed on something else. Turn off your notifications, pop ups and close your inbox. Do what you need to do, and then check back in on emails that you’ve received. Chances are you’ll be surprised at how quickly you moved through another task, after eliminating the distraction of emails competing for your attention. You might even find that you were able to complete that task more thoroughly, or that you had better ideas while distractions were eliminated from your mind.
There have been numerous studies over the years that highlight the negative health impacts which a sedentary lifestyle can have on your body. Beyond health issues, sitting for your entire day can have negative mental and emotional impacts as well. So get up, walk around the building, and get outside for some fresh air. You’ll be surprised how these little breaks can leave you feeling recharged and ready for a productive afternoon.